Thu 02 Jan
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Boston, Cape Cod, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester, City Location)
👑80hhSpecials!!**SenSual & Sweet🌅 *Magic Touch**⭐💋💋 ⭐CuRvY TrEaT &&⭐Ev3Ry MaN's FaNtAsY - 24
(Worcester, Incall Worcester)
👠{Back ByPopular Demand ♥} █▒█{♥}Y.O.U.R •:*:• S.e. X. Y █▒█ B.L.o.N.D.E •💄• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥}█▒█{♥}:* - 27
(Worcester, AVAILABle rhodeisland)
♥ SWEDISH BODYWORKS by GINA ♥ Relaxation w/ a TOUCH of CLASS♥ TUES $60/hr 👄💋 - 38
(Boston, Rhode Island, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
💋 I'd love to play with you, and you'll love it even more! - 25
(Templeton/Athol/Gardner area, Worcester)
__ __ _ ___B R A Z I LI A N __ _LATINAS __ RACHEL__ _ _and .. . . . JACKY__ __ C o l o m b I a n:::::R E L A X ,,T H E RA P Y... - 23
(Boston, Located in Stamford, Ct.)
💋💋💖Bodyrub Relax, Enjoy, Ease Your Tension💖💋💋 - 40
(Boston, Brockton, Cape Cod, Lowell, South Coast, Springfield, Worcester)
★☆ ★☆ E.R.O.T.I.C P.U.R.E P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E ☆★☆ ★ - - 21
(Worcester, worcester incalls only- 150/175/200)